Lights, Camera, Action!

by Jen Haas

Lights, Camera, Action!

Everyone thinks that the world of video is glamorous, but the reality is quite different. When it comes time to be on camera, most people realize afterward that it’s much harder than it looks.

That’s why it is critical to be selective when you’re choosing the best candidate for your company’s next video project. The most common types of videos feature interviews. This includes commercials and videos for websites, recruitment, shareholders and more. Whatever type of video you are producing, selecting the right person can make or break your video project.

When selecting the best individual, consider who would best represent your company’s brand. Think about your company as if it were a person. What characteristics would that person possess? For example, if your company would be described as friendly, you should select an employee who is well-liked and approachable.

You should also consider your target audience when selecting an interviewee. For example, if you’re a sporting goods company creating a customer testimonial video, it would be to advantageous to interview an athletic customer who may be the most relatable to the viewer.

Most importantly, you will want to find an individual who will be comfortable on camera. Choosing to interview the owner for the shareholder’s video may seem like a good idea at first, but he/she may not have the natural ability to present well on camera. This person may freeze up when the camera turns on or lack the appropriate inflection when speaking. Some other traits to consider in a potential interviewee include:

  1. Extroverted - It helps if the person being interviewed is outgoing and likes to talk. You will need someone who can elaborate on their answers and express their feelings.
  2. Animated - This is not just someone who speaks loudly and uses their hands. This is an individual who uses the appropriate inflection when speaking and speaks with enthusiasm. This will help hold the viewer’s attention.
  3. Articulate - Choose someone who can speak clearly and smoothly. However, keep in mind that an occasional “um” is fine.
  4. Personable - Does this person smile naturally when speaking or does he/she generally remain straight faced. When an interviewee lacks a smile, it looks more fierce on camera than it does in person and can give the wrong impression.

Keep in mind that the people you are choosing to interview are not professional actors. They will not always nail it on the first try. In the end, you will want the interview to be as genuine as possible while reflecting the company’s brand. By keeping these ideas in mind, you will certainly achieve this goal while captivating the attention of your audience.

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