Niki Petit Celebrates Milestone Anniversary, Graces Cover of You magazine

by Emily Morehart

Insight Creative, Inc. Director of Business Development Niki Petit is having a great year. Not only did she just return from leading over 40 teens on a mission trip in rural Tennessee, she was recently named one of You magazine’s “20 Women to Know” and now she is celebrating 10 years of employment at the job she loves.

Niki Petit You Magazine Cover

“I feel so incredibly blessed to work at Insight Creative,” she shared. “It’s a nice feeling to wake up and look forward to going to the office each day.”

As one of the Insight pioneers, Niki joined the small agency as a sales manager in 2005. She quickly discovered her passion for helping local businesses develop marketing strategies to fuel their growth. Over time, Niki has built a tremendous and diverse client base, across multiple industries and markets, who rely on her almost daily for no-nonsense, smart and strategic guidance.

When asked to what she attributes her success over the past 10 years, Niki credits the Insight team and leadership. “The team I work with is so supportive and [President] Jim von Hoff is like family to me,” she stated. “He has allowed me to grow professionally and has given me the tools I need to succeed.”

Succeed she has. Niki’s progress in business development has been instrumental to the growth of Insight, which has reached 15 full-time employees. “They are like a second family to me,” she said. “The mission and values that Insight brings to clients perfectly matches my own values and it’s nice to know I can help businesses grow and do it in an ethical, practical way.”

It’s those same values that Niki brings to local at-risk youth she recruits and mentors through the Suamico United Methodist Church Youth Group. Niki’s Youth Group leadership is just one of her many talents that brought her to the forefront of You magazine’s “20 Women to Know” issue this July.

“What a surreal experience,” Niki exclaimed about the cover. “I wasn’t prepared for the exposure the article would bring, and I’m thrilled it helped bring attention to our youth group and the work we are doing to help teens in our area.”

Niki was one among 19 other professional women in Green Bay who were recognized for their contributions to the community and professional impact in the area. “There are so many deserving women in our community, I consider it an honor,” Niki shared. “The Fox Cities community is a wonderful place to raise a family and help each other. The resources are immense and the support is overwhelming. This experience only reinforces that.”

What will the next decade bring? Niki eagerly replied, “I have great clients that I enjoy helping and I look forward to another ten years at Insight!”

Did you miss You magazine’s 20 “Women to Know” issue? Read about Niki and the other 19 women who were recognized in the digital edition.

Written by

Emily Morehart

PR/Content Manager

Emily was managing editor of the national cable marketing magazine delight!, and previously managed marketing projects for top cable providers in the nation. Diverse writing experience, combined with exceptional organization and strategic planning skills, make Emily a key component of the content department. Emily holds a degree from UW-Oshkosh in journalism, with an emphasis in advertising/public relations.

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